October 23, 2012

Welcome to the Pinque Peacock

Owned and Operated by
Jessica Shelton
of Jessica's Craft Shaque
in partnership with
Heather Novinger
of Random Recipes,  Paper Crafts, and Photos by HL

We are Super Delighted and Extremely Excited
to be Launching a New and Unique
Product Line
for all of our Current Crafty Blends
and Wonderful New Blends, to come!

We will be offering Unique Items such as
  • Fabric Covered Buttons
  • Fabric Flowers
  • Journaling Tags
We hope to Expand our Horizons and offer other products
 after this initial launch phase and we can't wait
to see where this path will lead us,
into the Future!!!

If you are as Enthusiastic as we are, we
Thank You 
for your 

Also, if you have suggestions
for products you would like to see
offered here at The Pinque Peacock,
we are eager and open to hearing them!

You will be seeing us at some of your
Favorite Blogs as Sponsors
of Giveaways and Prizes
with working in conjunction
with other companies
to Co-Sponsor upcoming Blog Hops!

If you are looking for, or
know of any Blogs or Companies
that are looking for, sponsorship
from The Pinque Peacock,
please send them our way.
You can also send an email request to
(Use Sponsor Request in the Subject Line of your  Email)

This venture all started with a *DREAM*
~a DREAM to create~
~a DREAM to inspire~
~a DREAM to broaden horizons~
~a DREAM to be Unique~
~a DREAM to bring happiness to others!~

The backbone of this venture is *STRONG*
A STRONG desire to build a product
that would be Accepted, Wanted, Needed, and Utilized
in many types of creations
around the WORLD!
Also a STRONG desire to buy American ! ! ! 

The idea of this venture stems from
one  broad, yet collaborative concept:
~~~ BE UNIQUE ~~~ 
~~~ GIVE BACK ~~~

As the DREAMS began, I focused a lot
on the concepts behind building this Business
before I decided it was time

A Little Background  . . .
I started my Blogging adventure in January of 2011.
I have always LOVED the arts and would
not be satisfied in my soul
if there were no time to create.

From the starting gates of this dream,
I knew I wanted to be different from anything else you might
see in BlogLand or the Crafting Community.
Hence, the Quirky spelling in name of my Personal Blog,
Jessica's Craft Shaque.

The "QUE" had so many personal meanings
behind it, but I failed to ever mention this in any 
of my published blog posts
or during any
general chit chat with my friends.

So why not share it with all of you today???

In my opinion,
the letter 'Q" is one of the most
unparalleled letters
in the entire alphabet.
When you think of the letter 'Q', 
what thoughts, words, pictures
come to mind for you?
For me, it was Quest,
it was Quirky,
and it was Quintessential.

Let's delve deeper and elaborate on those three words now!

Quest [kwest] noun
Definition*: 1. a search or pursuit made in order to find or obtain something

Why do I think of Q uest
Because I wanted to take this Quest, this Journey, to follow my Dream
of  opening a business of my own and helping others
in the process.

Quirky [kwur-kee] adjective     quirk·i·er, quirk·i·est.
Definition*:  having or full of quirks (a peculiarity of action, behavior, or personality; mannerism).

Why do I think of Quirky?
Because if any of you know me, you know that is a great word to describe me . . Peculiar at times - ha ha ha.
"Laughter is the Best Medicine", and being Quirky,  often times, 
provokes laughter.  I want to keep things enjoyable and interesting while you enjoy
browsing the shop and products as well as 
reading posts here at The Pinque Peacock.
Quintessential [kwin-tuh-sen-shuhl] adjective
Definition*: 1. of the pure and essential essence of something.

2. of or pertaining to the most perfect embodiment of something
Why do I think of Quintessential?
Because I want you to feel comfortable during your
visits here and while you shop for products.  The products offered 
here at The Pinque Peacock will be made from quality supplies 
and with a lot of Heart put into developing each and every item!
I want our shop to offer YOU 
the Quintessential Shopping Experience
you expect from us!!!

This was all the basic fundamentals
of starting my Blogging Experience and
will be the
for Launching

I shared this entire concept with my
Sweet Friend Forever, Heather Lynn.
She and I spent many days and nights
discussing and brainstorming ideas.
I am super pleased to have Heather standing
beside me as a partner in this Journey!

She gets TOTAL CREDIT for  thinking up
the fun Shop Name! Clever isn't she?

So, what's with the Peacock, you might ask???

Well, I simply adore their beauty, their majestic qualities,
and the history behind their
many attributes that
are celebrated and admired
throughout the World.

I think this is a fantastic basis for starting a business, don't you?

For any of you interested in Facts and History,
here is your Mini History Lesson**:

~~The peacock is mentioned in Greek Mythology.
It was the bird of Hera, Queen of the Gods.

~~In Babylonia and Persia, the Peacock is seen as a guardian to royalty, 
and is often seen in engravings upon the thrones of royalty.

~~Back in Biblical times, peafowl were exported all over the known
world as treasure...King Solomon brought many of them to Israel.

~~In 1956, John J. Graham created an abstraction of an eleven-feathered peacock logo for American broadcaster NBC. This brightly hued peacock was adopted due to the increase in color programming.  NBC later adopted the slogan "We're proud as a peacock!" 
The current version of the logo debuted in 1986 
and has six feathers  (yellow, orange, red, purple, blue, green). . . maybe
we can petition to have a Pinque Feather added in...he he he!

~~The peacock is also mentioned in one of Aesop's Fables.
In the story, the peacock goes toJuno (the Roman name for the goddess Hera)
and complains that the nightingale  has a sweet song and he does not.
We plan to sing pretty for you hear, despite our lousy vocals...lol

~~The early  European church looked upon 
the peacock as a Religious Symbol.

~~The peacock has been and still is held sacred by certain Indian groups.
It became the National Bird of India in 1963 and is
protected by law in its native habitat.

Saving the best fun fact for last,  since I figured you
all might get a "kick" out of this one . . . 

This is quoted from the caption below a beautiful image of a peacock
on theNational Geographic Website:
"One of the most ostentatiously 
adorned creatures on Earth, 
the peacock uses its brilliant plumage 
to entice females. "

So yes, you guessed it....you will be ENTICED to
Enjoy, Drool, Swoon, Admire and Purchase
the "Brilliant Display"
of items in our shop!!!  LOL

Please feel free to browse around and explore
The Pinque Peacock at your leisure!

If you ever have any Questions or Comments,
please click the CONTACT US tab above,
and we will be sure to address
any and all of your comments or concerns.

If you prefer to submit your Questions and/or Comments
privately, feel free to send us an email at
(Use Q&A in the Subject Line of your Email)

Thank you so
much for taking
the time
to stop by today.
We look forward
to sharing our Journey with
All Of YOU!!

*Resources of definitions:

 **Resources of history information and facts:


1 jessica said...

Welcome ladies!! Looking forward to seeing your items!!

2 SusieScrapper said...

So excited for you ladies and sending all my best wishes your way! Can't wait to see what you guys will be coming up with!!

3 JulieK said...

Congratulations ladies! So happy for you both!!

4 KAT said...

well your pretty feathers certainly enticed me. good luck girls. can't wait to see what your stuff!

5 Jodie R said...

Ohhhh! Can't wait to see what you have in "store" for is! Very happy for both of you! Congratulations!

6 Norma Gomez said...

Congrats ladies!!! Sending you good luck vibes from TX!!!

7 Cheri said...

Congratulations Jessica.

8 Laurie said...

Congratulations on your new quest ladies!! I wish you lots of luck and am so excited for you!!

9 TeresaK said...

Congrats to you both! I am so excited to see all the great items you will offer. Short note...I can't seem to concentrate or spell right!
You know I'm proud of you!

10 Maria Matter said...

Wow, congrats on your new venture!
I wish you ALL THE BEST!!
love, hugs & many blessings sent your way!

11 Sarah said...

I am so proud of you girls. I can't wait to see what you have in store for us. I know that you are both very talented and we will all be amazed. I figure my credit card will be feeling the impact of your creative minds. <3


12 Unknown said...

Wahoo!!!!! Congrats!!! I am super excited for the two of you! What an exciting journey to travel down together!!! I absolutely love your ideas and inspiration! you are a diamond in the rough!!! Good Luck ladies, you will do great things! "Oh the places you go and the people you meet!"

13 Unknown said...

Congrats ladies!!! Best wishes in your en devour!

14 Jen L said...

Congrats !!! I wish you all the best ....

15 Kassidy said...

Sounds like a bunch of fun things are coming! YAY! Congrats :)

16 scrapbookingforfun said...

Jessica and Heather you will do wonderful things with your business!!! Congrats! Now hurry and open the store so we can SHOP:))

