June 6, 2013

~Summer Sweaters~... by PINQUETTE Lisa

How are all of our Pretty Little Peacocks Today?
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

PINQUETTE Lisa in the house with a
creative project she created using
Pinque Peacock products!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Hey there, ho there! I hope our little peacocks are awesome today!
Today, I bring to you a neat, awesomesauce
project that you are going to run away from your computer to
do on your own! Right now! (Well, as soon as you see what it is!)
We all know how (I’m from the south, so it’s a proper noun)
Mason Jar glasses (even though I used Ball….if you can
find Mason…give me a holler ya’ll)
are making their rounds in the crafting world as “to go” and
“in the car” glasses. The pints fit perfectly in your car cup holder,
and they are so “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” friendly, they
have to be every crafters dream! Not to mention how
customizable they are! I’ve seen them used for everything
from Bachelorette parties to kids birthday parties, and
even as favors. But WAIT~!!!! There is a flaw. If
there is a flaw in practicality, I WILL find it. I love
the idea. But until my awesomesauce inlaws introduced
me to “sweatless” glasses, I have spent more hours
wrapping towels around my beverage glasses than I
have actually cutting paper. So, I was determined to
make these guys “sweatless”. Since I couldn’t change
the physical make-up of a canning jar….Well, I could.
I’m brilliant, but that’s more of a tutorial than I am ready
for…I decided to use our awesomePinque Peacock products and make these jars…..SWEATERS!
That’s right. Sweaters for the Summer. I used two different
knitting looms for this project. For the boy’s glass,
I made a button down, and for the girls I made a turtleneck.
On each, I used our awesome
Pinque Peacock buttons. On the boys, I used the Large
1.5 Fabric Covered Button as the actual closure. For the girls,
the sweater is a turtleneck, with the
3/4 Fabrick Covered Buttons used as grippies, so your hands don’t slip.
I used 100% Cotton yarn, to be absorbent. There is nothing a crafter
hates more than a dull cutter and a wet drinking glass. I hope these
sweaters catch on like crazy! There is so much you can
do with the design ideas~!!!! I love the
Pinque Peacock buttons on these….
They are the perfect weight, and perfect size for the job!!.
(YES, that is Guild Wars 2 in the background.  
Don't judge me for how I spend my non-crafting time, lol)

I hope you have all enjoyed my project.  Stay happy and Keep Crafting!_

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Thank you PINQUETTE Lisa,
your project is AWESOME!!!
Be sure to visit Lisa at her
become a New Follower, and be
inspired by her beautiful creations!!!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 


1 Donna K said...

You always come up with the coolest projects, Lisa!!! Love the colors you used for your jar sweaters! So cute with the PP buttons! Craft on girl... craft on!

2 Jessica Buffa said...

Super Dee Duper Fantastic. Sweatless Glass Summer Line by Pinquette Lisa!!!

3 scrapbookingforfun said...

Love the use of the Pinque Peacock items and love the unique project!!!
Pinquette Shelley

4 An'Jenic G. said...

LOl Lisa you are too funny. I think this is a really good idea. And I understand what you mean by warping your cup with paper a towel. Great project and TFS AJ-