April 29, 2013

In the Garden... by PINQUETTE Lisa

 How are all of our Pretty Little Peacocks Today?

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

PINQUETTE Lisa in the house with a
BEAUTIFUL project she created using
Pinque Peacock products!
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Hey everyone!  Today…I decided to create a project
for outside.  I have a neglected little corner of my crafty
yard….where I create with my green thumb, but
is neglected by my crafty thumb….MY GREENHOUSE. 
Today, I have used some of Pinque Peacock’s gorgeous
Layered GardenBeauties for a wreath for my greenhouse
door!  This is a simple floral foam wreath form,
layered with jute twine.  I have added loomed flowered,
in both ribbon and jute, along with burlap bows to
create this awesome addition to the outside of my
normal crafty space. This makes me so happy to
approach the door of my greenhouse in
the heat and humidity this time of year! 
Thank you, Pinque Peacock for this bit of happiness!

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Thank you PINQUETTE Lisa,
your project is AWESOME!!!
Be sure to visit Lisa at her
become a New Follower, and be
inspired by her beautiful creations!!!

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Are you a follower??... Become a follower
and check out the rules...
you could be a lucky winner. Tell your
friends... we'd love to have them!!!
Prize Includes:
~ One Cricut Destinations Cartridge
~ One Thank You Embossing Folder
~1 set of Pinque Peacock Purple Beaded Stick Pins
~Several Pinque Peacock Handmade Felt Poppers
~ One set of NOT EVEN RELEASED YET Pinque Peacock
Teal Fabric Covered Buttons (1.5" eyelet) with small purple star flower accent
~ One Button BINGO Stamp by Unity Stamp Co.


1 TeresaK said...

WOW! What a beautiful wreath! That would make me want to head to the greenhouse, just to see that wreath!
Very creative!

2 Donna K said...

Lisa... I just LOVE this! I desperately need something for my front door and this provides the perfect inspiration to GET BUSY and make something! Love your work!!

~Donna K

3 scrapbookingforfun said...

Beautiful project!!!

4 Unknown said...

Lisa... your wreath is GORGEOUS!! I love the Layered Garden Beauties :)

5 SusieScrapper said...

Beautiful wreath, love the colors!


6 ScrapYourWorld said...

Beautiful work , Inspiration to get my butt in gear and make me one!!